
Videographer: Kazuomi Furuya

2013年10月6日 15時 東京文化会館小ホール

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ヴァイオリン、ビオラ、アコーディオン、ピアノ、作編曲。10代より活動をはじめ、様々なバンドに関わる一方、串田和美、流山寺祥、古川あんずなど演劇や舞踏での音楽監督を務める。1996年オリジナル曲を集めた『right here!!』を発表。 2000年ラーシュ・ホルメルとのデュオアルバムを発表。2008年トリスタン・ホンジンガーとのツアー、おおたか静流とのフランス公演。2012年国際交流基金主催の東ティモール公演。大工哲弘、朝崎郁恵などの民謡のサポートからジャズ、シャンソン、エレキヴァイオリンを駆使した即興音楽まで、国境・ジャンルを超えた幅広い活動を行なっている。



Folk songs of Yaeyama (islands in the southwest of Okinawa) reflect the natural and social hardships that the region has gone through in their bright and open sound. Tetsuhiro Daiku, one of the foremost Yaeyama singers, has been active beyond the prefectural and national boundaries as well as genres while being deeply rooted in the tradition, and released the masterpiece Blue Yaima (Yaima is the local pronunciation of Yaeyama) in May 2013. Inviting Yuriko Mukojima (piano and violin) to join the unbeatable ensemble of Tetsuhiro Daiku (sanshin and vocals), Naeko Daiku (koto), Isao Yagi (flute) and Asao Oshiro (taiko), the concert explores a new domain of Yaeyama folk songs!

Tetsuhiro Daiku
Born in Aza-arakawa, Ishigaki-shi, Yaeyama-gun, Okinawa Prefecture, he performs a number of songs that have been passed along from generation to generation in Yaeyama and established himself as the foremost Yaeyama folk singer. In 1999, he music was identified as intangible cultural heritage of Okinawa Prefecture. Appointed president of the Ryukyu (Okinawa) Folk Song and Music Association in 2011. Played in and out of Okinawa as well as in Europe, U.S., Central and South America, South and West Africa and Southeast Asia in collaboration with musicians of ethnic music, jazz and rock. He also has branches of his Yaeyama folk song school across Japan, where he disseminates Okinawa and Yaeyama folk songs and trains young artists. Released a new album Blue Yaima in May 2013.

Yuriko Mukojima
Violin / viola / accordion / piano player and composer / arranger. Her musical career started in her teenage, playing with diverse bands and engaging in theatre and butoh projects by Kazuyoshi Kushida, Sho Ryuzanji and Anzu Furukawa as musical director. Released right here!!, a collection of her own compositions, in 1996 and a duo album with Lars Hollmer in 2000. Toured with Tristan Honsinger and performed in France with Sizzle Ohtaka in 2008. A performance / workshop project in East Timor, organized by The Japan Foundation, in 2012. Her activities, beyond national borders and genres, range from support for folk songs by such artists as Tetsuhiro Daiku and Ikue Asazaki to jazz, chanson and electric violin improvisation.