Photo: Hideto Maezawa
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The Distance between Headphones and Ears
Rustle from some audience members, faint noise from the air conditioner, or in some kind of venues the sounds of cars and footsteps from the outside: appreciating these things, for example saying “It was nice to hear the creaking sounds of the ceiling during the performance,” is usually considered to be perverse, rather than expression of enjoyment in a live performance, especially in dance and theatre.
Slightly detach your headphones, which are supposed to deliver sound directly into the ears, with both hands and walk in the crowded street. Things that you had actually heard but ignored gain presence between the ears and the transducers.
Loudspeakers surround the audience. Things that are supposed to be inaudible pour on them from all the directions. Probably it is not too bad if the sounds perfectly synchronize with what is going on on the stage, but we articulate them in their haste, latency and out-of-syncness with the two performers.
Directed and choreographed by Zan Yamashita | Performers: Toshiki Kawana and Takehito Kinoshita | Sonic design: Takuto Fukuda | Supported by The Saison Foundation | Premiere: ST Spot (October 10, 2012)
Choreographer and performance maker. Born in Osaka in 1970. Among his works are Yokohama Stay (2002–) that brings a reading of his diary and choreography based on it to the dimension of what can be called philosophical hip-hop, It’s just me, coughing (2004–) in which interpretation of Hosai Ozaki’s free-form haikus through the body and jazz standards encounter in an unpredictable way, Daikozui (2010) that involved overhead screening of the image of the surface of water and field recording indicating natural and political catastrophe, Daikoshin (2010) for which four tons of rubble and waste materials were collected in Takamatsu to construct the stage, and It is something like a garden (2011–2012) that employed computer programming to structure waste materials, words and gestures.